A Picture Perfect Gift
Hozue Higuchi was a deeply religious woman who left a lasting legacy rooted in her values. A daily viewer of EWTN, Hozue joyfully answered Mother Angelica's appeals to keep EWTN between her gas and electric bills. She made regular modest gifts throughout her life that culminated in a generous ultimate gift from her estate.
Hozue's religious devotion began in childhood. She was born in Japan in 1945. After the war, her mother firmly believed that Hozue would receive a higher quality education in a Catholic school. This decision ignited an enduring faith that permeated the rest of Hozue's life.
At 21, Hozue moved to the United States on her own and embarked on a successful career in New York City. She became a respected and well-known photograph retoucher. She had business until computers took over and she retired in 1992.
She slowly began investing in real estate and the stock market. Over time, her investments prospered and her accounts grew in value. Hozue lived modestly and didn't enjoy spending money on herself. She devoted her time to practicing her faith, watching religious television, painting, and caring for her beloved pets.
When Hozue was diagnosed with cancer in 2018, she immediately sought counsel from a trusted advisor to ensure her affairs were in order. With no heirs and greatly appreciated assets, she realized charitable giving should be a key component of her plan. Gifts to charity could help her avoid probate and capital gains taxes, and protect the value of her estate. She also discovered she was now able to give at a level that could make a significant impact for multiple organizations. To achieve these goals, she decided to establish the Hozue Higuchi Irrevocable Trust.
The process to create the trust went quickly. Because her plan was executed expeditiously, her documents were current and her trustee had clear directions to honor her charitable intent. The long-term charitable arrangement established by her careful gift planning allowed her estate to avoid probate and provide trust distributions for years to come to EWTN and other charities. Hozue passed away within a month of her diagnosis, but her legacy lives on because of her careful planning and generous spirit.
Hozue Higuchi's considerable gifts to EWTN fulfilled her desire to support evangelization through Catholic programming. She valued the influence EWTN had on her daily life, and her gifts help ensure others will be able to watch EWTN well into the future. We gratefully honor the legacy of Hozue Higuchi. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
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