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Mario Aquilani

Mario Aquilani

Mario Aquilani gave consistently to EWTN throughout his life and made a generous final gift after his passing in the form of a beneficiary designation. Mario's story is one of great love for the Church and his country. Mario lived a simple life, but thought it was essential to give to back to the Network which provided him with so many moments of hope throughout his years of viewing. Mario was born in Italy and immigrated to the US when he was two years old. He attended Catholic School from kindergarten until his high school graduation. He was very involved in the church as an altar boy. Throughout his life, he placed fresh flowers on the Altar and in front of the Blessed Mother statue.

Mario was a plane dispatcher during WWII and saw the world while serving his country. After the war, he worked as a butcher for a local supermarket. Mario was not frugal, but he was a good saver and careful with finances. He watched EWTN regularly and was a faithful contributor to EWTN and the Church. His widow, Mercedes, has continued making monthly gifts to honor his Legacy. "EWTN was everything to him," said Mercedes. "He watched daily Mass and the Rosary, and it really kept him going." By naming EWTN as a beneficiary on his bank CDs, his gift will now help EWTN evangelize and inspire people to live an integrated Catholic life for years to come. He did this in a relatively simple way by completing paperwork at his bank naming EWTN as POD, or Payable on Death.

A Simple Way to Give

Payable on Death (POD) or Transfer on Death (TOD) is an account title that typically applies to bank or investment accounts. To arrange for EWTN to receive all or a portion of the money in a bank account after the account-holder's death, simply go to the bank and fill out a form designating beneficiary. This gift is easy to make because it only involves filling out a form at the bank. No additional legal documents are involved, and there is no expense to make a change. It's also possible to name multiple beneficiaries or name a primary and contingent beneficiary. Like all beneficiary designations, you are able to make changes at any time without involving a lawyer. POD accounts do not have to go through probate, which saves time and expense. A death certificate is typically all that is required for the gift. We recommend notifying the charity about the gift during your life. Banks are not required to notify beneficiaries, but beneficiaries do not have to wait for the probate process to be completed or for the whole estate to settle before receiving the gift. Mario's thoughtful gift provides a wonderful legacy while also helping advance EWTN's important mission of Catholic evangelization. May eternal rest be granted to Mario, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

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