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Michael Ham

Michael Ham

Michael Ham was born in 1990, and by age three, he was watching EWTN. During the Great Jubilee Year of 2000, Michael wrote his first of an estimated 180 letters to Mother Angelica, and Mother wrote back. He wrote to her once a month for 15 years and they developed a great friendship. They shared many things: both had physical limitations, and both suffered in many untold ways. But most importantly, both had a great love for Jesus and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church He founded. It's not easy living in a wheelchair and suffering with the effects of muscular dystrophy, but on some of those tough days, the phone would ring, and Michael's mom would say, "There is someone on the line who wants to speak with you," and it would be Mother Angelica. "Michael, are you behaving yourself?" Mother would sometimes ask. Other times she would call to give Michael a spiritual pep talk or just talk about life. After Mother suffered her debilitating stroke, Michael would still send his monthly letters and the Nuns would read them to Mother while he listened on the phone. As you can image, one of the saddest days in Michael's life was when Mother passed into eternity. Michael was beside himself. As he fought back tears, he recalled the moment he learned of Mother's passing when he read the message that scrolled along the bottom of the television screen… Mother Mary Angelica 1923-2016. At first, he did not want to accept the news and it took many weeks for the reality to set in. A few years later, Michael's muscular dystrophy worsened, and he also found out that he had cancer in his kidneys. Despite all his earthly trials and suffering, Michael remains focused on his mission. He knows, as St. Paul wrote in Colossians 1:24, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh, I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of His body, that is, the Church." As Michael patiently suffers through his final days on earth, please keep him in your prayers. As a man of modest means, Michael wanted to figure out the best way to make a difference. EWTN's Legacy Giving Team helped him explore a few gifting options, suitable to his situation. He also worked with a local estate planning attorney to finalize the documentation for a transfer of his home through his estate plan. Walking Michael through the process helped him to establish the plan that fit his needs. He now has peace of mind, knowing that his affairs are in order and his charitable intentions will be honored. His gift will be another way to honor Mother's Legacy and the lasting impression she made on him and countless other souls. I asked Michael if we could share his story and he said, "Yes, whatever helps move the mission of the Network. I'm all for it!"

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